This special berry is one you have probably never seen before. Can you guess what is is? Here’s a hint, it’s not a strawberry, it’s a Pineberry! These fascinating plants are not genetically modified at all, and if you are asking what’s wrong with them, nothing! These fruits are white because it’s a less appealing color, and unlike strawberries, they don’t want to attract birds. They get their name “Pineberry” from the pineapple, because they taste a bit like the spiky yellow fruit. You can use a “Pineberry Strawberry” just like a regular one, they pair well with chocolate, vanilla, and smoked white fish. If your a fan of strawberries or pineapples, this fruit will be a delight for you and friends.
Scavenger hunt hint: for the last but not least i'll have you eat an upside down feast.